About Us

  • Rebecca Paris

    Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit which serves as a global connection hub for expanding consciousness. Raising the Vibe focuses on self-actualization tools, holistic healing and conscious community practices.

    In addition to painting and blogging, she is now offering her services as a Spiritual Guide. She will consult on ascension basics, astrology by the degree, walk ins/soul braids, the physics of our holographic universe, and the organic vs. inorganic matrix of reality, among other topics.

    As a Gene Keys Guide, Rebecca offers one-on-one sessions to illuminate your profile to help you contemplate your shadows and transform them into the gifts that are hidden in your DNA. Her educational subscription module entitled, “Finding Your Unique Gifts and Higher Purpose”, is available on the Shift/Co member platform and Thinkific.

    Rebecca’s Story

    Rebecca went from being a portrait artist/stay-at-home mom, to founding a non-profit just one year after an awakening experience, where her 3D linear view of the world was crushed. She started questioning reality and asked herself two questions: 

    1. Is there some sort of interconnected energy field that affects us?

    2. What are the common elements in all religions throughout time and culture?

    In the midst of record “tribalism” at the end of 2017, she founded Raising the Vibe as a book club to explore our deeper spiritual nature and consciousness, specifically the intersection between science and spirituality.  She made the paradigm shift that life was not just a series of random events happening, but a conscious unfolding to a greater awareness.  Rebecca reasoned that just because one can’t detect something with the five senses, doesn’t mean it is not there; for example, a dog whistle can be sensed by dogs, but not humans.

    She listened to her intuition to find out where her energy was flowing and dropped the things that no longer resonated…pushing the ”unsubscribe button” on emails and many activities in her life. After living in the Buckhead area of Atlanta for over 30 years, she “consciously uncoupled” from a successful 26-year marriage and moved to the greater Asheville area. Rebecca enjoys hiking, organic gardening and painting. Her two young-adult children have settled close by in Western North Carolina as well.

    Her deepest heart’s desire is to guide others in finding their unique gifts and higher purpose and bringing people together to create heaven on earth.

  • Robert Novak

    Robert Novak is an inspiring teacher, writer, speaker, master intuitive, and personal development consultant. Robert’s divinely inspired transformational work with clients is the catalyst providing them the empowerment and improvements in their life to become their own self-expert, to know their purposes in life and to live them.

    Robert has the unique ability to pinpoint exactly the answer and energetic shift to improve and progress one’s life. Robert is a certified Yuen Method Master. His other certifications include: Theta Healing, Reconnective Healing, Reiki Master, The Journey, Conscious Company Leadership, Angel Card Reader, TantraNova, Akashic Record Consultant and Initiate High Priest.

    Robert’s Story

    With a background in business and holding executive positions in accounting and finance, Robert Novak endured the loss of his much loved wife and began his journey of transformation. Prompted by medical intuitive and mystic Caroline Myss to see himself as a teacher, Novak discovered a deeper sense of self-worth and vision, and began to live according to his soul’s pull and his unique design. He chose to step up and answer the call to serve others.

    Robert is the creator of the Advancing Life Network where he shares inspiring writings, meditations and videos to advance one's life. An important part of his transformational work are his three free profound meditations designed to improve and empower the connection and communication with divinity : Sit with God, Christ Seed and Inner Child. Robert also provides free inspired writings of personal transformation to assist in guiding one to discover their individual and unique design.

    Robert grew up with strong family and religious traditions. There was limited exposure to anything else outside of this structure. Robert’s faith was strong. Once he was on his own after college, he began to pray, “Jesus teach me so I can teach.” Knowingly having the guiding presence and support of the Christ, Robert allowed himself to be led to places outside of the defined structures where he was told evil existed. The result…he saw and discovered God more. And so, he leads people to know God and themselves more.

    He lives in Old Fort, North Carolina and is the proud father of three beautiful daughters.

Our Journey Together


“I had known Rebecca as the “Zoom Lady” for several months from our work together on Social Chrysalis. Then, my attention was drawn to look over at Rebecca to see her smiling and glowing…and my heart was tweaked, an unexpected opening began. - Robert

Sometimes the Universe has plans for our lives that we aren’t aware of. The key is to be present, feel into it with your heart and allow new and beautiful things to enter your life. What many will consider a giant, foolish leap of faith, we just saw as doing the next right thing, one step at a time.

“ I saw it unfolding….after the heart tweak, Rebecca asked for some healing support for her friend. I knew if I responded to the email to help it would lead to a relationship, something I wasn’t looking for in my life at this time. I even stepped away from the computer, determined not to go there. However, some higher part of myself pulled me back to my chair to respond to the call for help. After helping her friend, Rebecca booked a session with me and after that it was evident that our destiny together was rapidly unfolding.”

After several ten-hour drives from Valpariso, Indiana to Black Mountain, North Carolina and nightly hour-long conversations, we knew this was something special. It was more than just the two of us and our personal lives. It felt bigger than that…like we were destined to come together to join forces as leaders and teachers in the great awakening of consciousness that is now unfolding on earth. Even though we barely knew each other in this life, it seemed that our souls recognized each other from many lifetimes and knew how to lead the way. The key was to not interfere with too many questions, or left-brain logic telling us that it was crazy.

While on a call with a friend asking about possible home locations in the area, the handyman (we believe to be an angelic messenger) in the background mentioned Gateway Mountain, just east of Black Mountain. We heeded the advice, and fell in love with a house in this gated community that happened to be in a 3,000-acre wildlife sanctuary.

Our love deepens everyday as we connect to the more profound aspects of ourselves, in our meditations and nature. We listen to what is calling us each day, in service to our own joy, as well as in service to the world…which is often one in the same.