For Those Who Are Awake

For those of you who realize that we are at a crucial time in the history of humanity, I urge you to take action.  We have heard that history repeats itself. As we look back at the oppression of certain groups 80 years ago during the second World War, let us not forget what happened and repeat that on a much greater scale.   As we all have a different perspective on what is happening right now, it is more important than ever to act on your inner knowing, whatever that is.  Ask yourself if you are just repeating the narrative of what is being told to you in the media or listening to your inner being and gut knowing.  When your children or grandchildren ask you what you did during the time of the great change, how would you like to respond?

If you value love over fear, embody more love and don’t buy into the fear tactics

If you value your freedom and respect yourself, don’t acquiesce

If disagree with the mask mandates, don’t wear one

If you disagree with vaccine mandates, stand up for your rights or go to court 

If you don’t want your child’s school enforcing vaccine mandates or masks, learn the facts and your rights here,, and stand up to the school boards

If you value truth, look beyond the mainstream media and do your own research

If you realize that crucial science about the virus and “vaccines” is not being shared, share it

If you understand how many small businesses have been taken out because of lock downs, buy local

If you are aware of the true intention of the truckers in Canada and know about the protests around the world, tell your friends 

If you know that we are in a multi-dimensional spiritual war, teach

If you don’t agree that natural and holistic healthcare should be vilified and suppressed, take action

If you value your connection to your own Source/higher power and know you are a powerful sovereign being, don’t put AI in your body 

If you don’t agree with the centralized banking system and know the truth about the Federal Reserve, IMF etc., investigate decentralized crypto currencies.

If you know about the corruption in our government agencies, speak up

If you know about the origin and funders of the pharmaceutical industry, tell the truth

If you are offered money by the government/hospital to list the cause of death as Covid when it wasn’t, ask yourself why this is happening and stand in your integrity.

If you understand the dark truth of the institutionalized child trafficking industry, protest

United we are stronger and will create a more joyful, free and loving world.  We must stand for the rights of all of humanity and not be taken in by the lies and divide and conquer techniques by those few who wish to control.  

Some Resources:

John Hopkins study on the effect of the lockdowns, 

David Icke Interview #6 on London Real, “Vindication”, Janaury 21, 2022,

About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.


Are You in Victim Consciousness?


Am I in Right Relationship to Self, Others and the Earth?