Rebecca Paris Rebecca Paris

Am I in Right Relationship to Self, Others and the Earth?

As we start a new year, in addition to setting intentions/resolutions for yourself, you may want to contemplate your relationship first to self, and then to others and to Mother Earth/nature. Don’t judge yourself harshly, but honestly assess where you are with patience and gentleness. Awareness is the first step to any improvement in your life. Take some time to pause and reflect on these questions.

Am I in Right Relation to myself?

Do I value my personal freedom and realize the importance of being a sovereign being?

Do I spend time in silence often connected to my inner being?

Are my thoughts, words and actions in harmony?

Am I in balance with mind, body and spirit?

Is my intuitive right brain (feminine) side balanced with the left brain logical (masculine) side?

Am I able to give and receive equally?

Do I take time to bring myself in the present moment or is most of my consciousness in the future or past?

Am I able to turn off negative thought forms and laugh or at least neutrally witness my ego self for trying to bring me down?

Am I practicing daily gratitude? ….click to see rest of blog.

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