Why We Must Face Our Fears

It is important to note that we all have fears. Some are positive and keep you from legitimate harm, while others are negative and only cause your body harm because no real present danger is imminent. In addition, our mind may be telling us that we are fine and have handled the stress, but our body is saying something different. We often don’t even realize we are in adrenal stress causing all sorts of physical ailments including anxiety, fatigue, and inflammation to name a few. I personally didn’t realize my body was in acute adrenal fatigue several years ago. I just got so used to dealing with a heightened level of stress that it became normal. It is often that slow constant distress that is caused by an imbalance in life. If this is you, check out the article Stillnessinthestorm, for more insight.

“The tricky part is even knowing you are under constant stress; the lingering low-grade kind of stress that kills very slowly. We tend to adjust, to accept, to allow. But when it comes to stress, it’s not a healthy idea.” From “How Stress Affects Your Adrenal Health and What to do About it”, Stillnessinthestorm

So how do we address this at a higher level? I would suggest facing our fear head on. If we don’t it will still be there, in our body, expressed as tightness in the neck, back or other constrictions like stomach distress where our energy is blocked. This fear frequency is also calling in more fear, remember like attracts like, because we feel so out of control of the situation. Of course most people don’t like to feel their fear. It can be extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, we distract ourselves away from it via medication or with technology or other means. However, until we consciously witness and allow it to come up, feel it (from a witness standpoint) it will remain and grow and may actually cause the thing you fear to actually play out in your reality. If we do face our fears in stillness, the discomfort actually passes very quickly.

I like to use the analogy of fear being represented by a child’s plastic red ball that would have a tendency to float to the surface in water. Let’s use the analogy that your body is that pool of water. When you push your fear down it is like trying to keep the balls that naturally want to float to the top to be suppressed. Think of how much energy you are using to keep all of those red balls submerged in the pool…quite a bit. This leaves you exhausted trying to keep that stable outward persona and pretend all is well. At some point you can’t keep the fear down any more and it explodes in terms of sheer panic or projection (anger or blaming) others in a primal fear for your life. This explosion of energy would not happen if you were managing the fear by bringing each emotion up, allowing it to be there and facing it with your conscious mind so your subconscious programming does not run your life as much.

We can only be controlled by the fears that we don’t face. That’s why it is important to acknowledge all possible outcomes that you fear, feel it from a compassionate witness point of view and neutralize the idea. Once the energy is neutralized and seen, it can’t control you as much. This allows the higher part of you to register the possibility that is causing fear so that you can take informed conscious action if you do indeed face this reality. If this fearful possibility was not even acknowledged, the surprise attack of it actually happening would put you in a fight/flight response. In this case, you would not be able to react from your true source, enacting your pre-frontal cortex which is in charge of executive function, and avoid a potentially painful situation.

If you feel the mind taking control in a fear loop, not in the present, it is important to get back into your body. You must take the time to be still in yourself often to break the loop instead of constantly deferring to the mind and connecting to our outer “engineered” reality.

A breathing technique can help to ground you back into your body and alleviate the panic. Try inhaling four counts, holding four counts and exhaling four counts and repeat until settled.

Let’s also look at what can’t come into your body when you are suppressing fear. With all the fear frequency emanating, your source connection, the pure love energy that wants to come in, doesn’t have room or can not be acknowledged because your subconscious is so busy keeping those unwanted feelings submerged in the pool of your being. The constriction in your body is not allowing this natural electrical circuit to heal your body.

Is it possible to have inner-harmony, when the outside world and most people you know are in fear and chaos? Yes. The first step is to know yourself deeply from your own source/blueprint and know what feels right and what does not in your body. You can strengthen your field, with conscious intentions and awareness, so that you don’t have to be so affected by the negative actions of others. A key is not be complacent with the idea that it is just the way it is. When we acquiesce to disfunction and immorality we lose a bit of ourselves. Remember, you are your own sovereign spark of divinity. You alone are responsible for your choices, no matter how much others are pressuring you. When you start realizing that you have control over your actions and beliefs, fears will subside.

So ideally once the red balls come to the surface we experience more lightness of being and may actually enjoy playing again in that innocent child-like state we were always meant to embody.

About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.


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